Engineering Blog



Software Engineer

Variable Shadowing in Go

As a part of this blog post, I will try to explain about variable shadowing and how to avoid it. In programming, scope of variable defines to the places a variable can be referenced. In Golang, a variable name declared in a block can be redeclared in an inner block. This mechanism is called variable shadowing….

Being confused about when to use generics

Introduction The Go 1.18 release introduced a new feature called generic types (commonly known by the shorter term, generics). This allows writing code with types that can be specified later and instantiated when needed. However, it can be confusing about when to use generics and when not to. In this blog, I will try to describe the concept…

Project misorganization

Project organization is one of the most common mistake made by Go Developer. Go provides a lots of freedom for designing the packages and modules hence it is not easy task to organize the project. is The purpose of organizing the project are maintainability, readability, consistency and so on.

Neglecting integer overflow

Concepts Integer is a basic data types. Golang supports integer data types extensively. Integer are divided into two types which are signed and unsigned integer. Now we will see it’s types Signed integer in go Types Range Types Range int8 -128 to 127 int16 -32768 to 32767 int32 -2147483648 to 2147483647 int64 -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 Types…

Not understanding slices length and capacity

Slice is a variable-length sequence which stores elements of a similar type, you are not allowed to store different type of elements in the same slice. It is just like an array having an index value and length, but the size of a slice is resized they are not in fixed-sized just like an array….

Inefficient Slice Initialization

Inefficient Slice Initialization

A slice is a flexible and extensible data structure to implement and manage collections of data. Following are the different ways of slice initialization. While initializing a slice using make, we saw that we have to provide a length and an optional capacity. Forgetting to pass an appropriate value for both of these parameters when…

Being confused about nil vs. empty slice

Being confused about nil vs. empty slice

Go developers fairly frequently mix nil and empty slices. In this blog post discusses how they are differ and when to use each one. Slices are one of the most widely used data types in Go. It provides a way for to work with ad manage collections of data, and can be appended to or…

Stripe Payment with Golang

Stripe Payment with Golang

In this blog post, I will discussed on the topic of stripe payment integration with Golang. Before that i will give brief introduction about this and move head to simple implementation. It is a famous payment gateway that helps in financial transaction between merchants and customers. It accepts 133+ countries currency. It is a powerful…

Not properly checking if a slice is empty

In the previous blog post we discussed about distinction between nil and empty slices. We have to clear about some notation, what is the idiomatic way to check if a slice contains elements? Not having clear answer can lead to subtle bugs. Let’s talk about the example, we call a getAmounts() function which returns a slice…