Engineering Blog


Software Architecture

KrakenD CE v2.6 released with OpenTelemetry

KrakenD CE v2.6 released with OpenTelemetry

KrakenD Community Edition v2.6 updates! Enhancements include improved observability, plugin development tools, and JWT validation. This release introduces major improvements and OpenTelemetry integration. Plus, developers now have a new testing command for plugins and access to additional data for more creative plugin development. Introducing OpenTelemetry KrakenD has relied on OpenCensus or its native component for…

A Simple Framework for Architectural Decisions

Software engineers face critical decisions like choosing between Python and Java for a microservice or determining the repository structure. Establishing a clear decision-making framework is crucial, defining team autonomy and aligning with business goals and culture. This framework influences leadership perception, managerial roles, and empowerment levels. While implementation varies, key components like Tech Radar, Technology…