Engineering Blog



Guide to Containers and Kubernetes for Enterprise Leaders

Guide to Containers and Kubernetes for Enterprise Leaders

Containers and Kubernetes are becoming increasingly important for building cloud-native applications and enabling multi-cloud deployments. This blog post answers the most common questions that CTOs and technology leaders have about these technologies. Benefits and Challenges Key Findings Recommendations Top 10 FAQs with Answers 1) What are some of the key benefits of containers and Kubernetes?…

Backstage Kubernetes: Simplifying Service Management for Developers

Backstage Kubernetes: Simplifying Service Management for Developers

For developers deploying on Kubernetes, managing services across multiple clusters can be a tangled mess. Backstage Kubernetes cuts through the complexity, offering a centralized hub for everything related to your services. Consolidate and Conquer Backstage Kubernetes goes beyond being a standalone monitoring tool. It integrates seamlessly with Backstage’s core service catalog, creating a unified platform…

Kubecost 2.0 Empowers Cost Control with Network Visibility

Kubecost 2.0 Empowers Cost Control with Network Visibility

The way organizations manage their Kubernetes costs is undergoing a significant transformation. Kubecost, a leading provider of Kubernetes cost monitoring and management solutions, recently unveiled Kubecost 2.0, a major upgrade packed with features designed to empower businesses to optimize their cloud spending. Unveiling Network Visibility: A Game Changer One of the most significant additions in…

CNCF Survey Reveals: Half of Companies Overspend with Kubernetes, Primarily Due to Overprovisioning

CNCF Survey Reveals: Half of Companies Overspend with Kubernetes, Primarily Due to Overprovisioning

CNCF’s recent microsurvey on cloud-native FinOps and CFM revealed insights into Kubernetes’ impact on cloud spending. Nearly half of respondents reported increased costs, while others saw no change or savings post-migration. The main factors contributing to overspending include overprovisioning, lack of awareness, and resource sprawl. The survey sought details on Kubernetes spending and overall cloud…

Kubernetes Load Balancer – On-Premises & Bare Metal

Kubernetes Load Balancer – On-Premises & Bare Metal

Managing a Kubernetes Load Balancer has always been challenging. In the past, setting it up involved a time-consuming process of submitting tickets and collaborating between network and Linux engineers. Now, with cloud technology, on-demand load balancer services are available instantly for Kubernetes, simplifying tasks for DevOps engineers. However, replicating this ease of use in on-premises…

Introducing ingress2gateway; Simplifying Upgrades to Gateway API

Introducing ingress2gateway; Simplifying Upgrades to Gateway API

In the dynamic realm of Kubernetes, networking is crucial for effective service exposure. The Ingress API, familiar to many Kubernetes users, is key for managing external access to services within the cluster. Despite its usefulness, Ingress has limitations, which can become bottlenecks as applications grow in complexity and Kubernetes clusters face increased demands. Here are…

PinCompute: Pinterest’s Kubernetes-Backed Platform for Versatile Computing Needs

Overview Pinterest is enhancing its compute platform with PinCompute, a fully managed compute API designed for various use cases. Built on Kubernetes, PinCompute simplifies infrastructure management and embraces cloud-native principles. This article explores its architecture and impact on innovation and efficiency at Pinterest. Architecture PinCompute is a regional Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) on Kubernetes, with a host…

Railyard: Accelerating Machine Learning Model Training Using Kubernetes

Stripe leverages machine learning in services like Radar and Billing, handling millions of daily predictions across diverse models trained with billions of data points. To simplify model training, they developed Railyard, an API and job manager on Kubernetes, enabling independent team training with scalability. Railyard’s API prioritizes flexibility and ease of use, supporting Python workflows…

Does containerization affect the performance of databases?

The trend of containerizing databases is growing, as seen in Fig.1. With databases and analytics playing a significant role in technology, a common question arises: Does containerization affect database performance? If so, what factors are involved, and how can we address performance and stability challenges caused by containerization? Advantages and technical principles of containerization​ Containerization…

Rubix: Palantir’s Move to Kubernetes

Rubix: Palantir’s Move to Kubernetes

In January 2017, Palantir commenced the Rubix project, aimed at rebuilding the cloud architecture around Kubernetes. With the majority of cloud instances dedicated to computation, the core objective was to establish a secure, scalable, and intelligent scheduling and execution engine for Spark and other distributed compute frameworks. Rubix has now been successfully rolled out to…

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