Engineering Blog


Achieve Namespace Isolation with Calico in Kubernetes

Many DevOps and platform engineers we talk to share a common concern: securing their Kubernetes clusters. By default, Kubernetes allows unrestricted communication between workloads, creating a vulnerability. An attacker breaching one container could move freely within the cluster, compromising others.

The “least privilege” approach, while ideal for restricting workload communication, can leave your applications exposed to unknown exploits and zero-day attacks. This is where Calico’s policy recommendations come in.

Calico: Your Key to Default-Deny and Namespace Isolation

Calico offers a solution: out-of-the-box default-deny implementation. This means all traffic between pods is blocked by default. You can then explicitly allow only the necessary communication between pods. Additionally, Calico enables namespace isolation, preventing attackers from moving laterally between different namespaces within the cluster.

Learn More About Microsegmentation and Calico

This blog post serves as a starting point. We’ve included additional resources to deepen your understanding of microsegmentation and Calico:

  • White Paper: Dive deeper with a comprehensive guide on implementing microsegmentation for modern cloud-native workloads and achieving tenant isolation in Kubernetes. Read White paper

Strengthen Your Kubernetes Security Knowledge

Consider attending the following events to enhance your Kubernetes security expertise:

  • Microsoft AKS Security Bootcamp: Gain insights into Kubernetes Posture Management (KSPM) and compliance.

  • Securing Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Environments with Calico’s Cluster Mesh: Discover how Calico secures multi-cluster deployments.

By implementing microsegmentation with Calico, you can significantly improve your Kubernetes cluster’s security posture and mitigate the risk of security breaches.

Reference to the Article- Tigera

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