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Stripe Payment with Golang

Stripe Payment with Golang

In this blog post, I will discussed on the topic of stripe payment integration with Golang. Before that i will give brief introduction about this and move head to simple implementation. It is a famous payment gateway that helps in financial transaction between merchants and customers. It accepts 133+ countries currency. It is a powerful…

Common Anti-patterns with React

Common Anti-patterns with React

Nested components When a component is defined inside another component, it creates a tight coupling between the two components, meaning that they are highly dependent on one another. This can make it difficult to reuse or re purpose the inner component. Also when the parent component re-renders , the inner component will be defined again…

Not properly checking if a slice is empty

In the previous blog post we discussed about distinction between nil and empty slices. We have to clear about some notation, what is the idiomatic way to check if a slice contains elements? Not having clear answer can lead to subtle bugs. Let’s talk about the example, we call a getAmounts() function which returns a slice…

External Logging Feature in 01Cloud

External Logging Feature in 01Cloud

An External Logging feature is a feature that is used to collect and store log data from various sources, such as servers, applications, and devices. Logging are typically designed to be deployed in a container orchestration platform such as Kubernetes and to work in concert with other tools such as log shippers, log aggregators, and…

External Secret Feature in 01Cloud

External Secret Feature in 01Cloud

In today’s world, managing sensitive information, such as database credentials, is a critical task for any organization. In a Kubernetes-based environment, secrets are used to store and manage such sensitive information. However, in some cases, it may be desirable to store these secrets outside of the cluster, in an external secrets manager, such as AWS…

Setup external secret in 01Cloud for AWS

Setup external secret in 01Cloud for AWS

AWS Secret Manager is a secrets management service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows you to securely store and manage secrets, such as database credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information. In 01Cloud, the AWS Secret Manager can be used as an external secret provider, which means that 01Cloud can fetch and use…

Setup external secret in 01Cloud for HashiCrop Vault

Setup external secret in 01Cloud for HashiCrop Vault

HashiCorp Vault is a secrets management tool provided by HashiCorp. It allows you to securely store and manage sensitive information, such as database credentials, API keys, and other confidential data. In 01Cloud, HashiCorp Vault can also act as an external secret provider, enabling 01Cloud to access and utilize secrets stored in HashiCorp Vault. This centralizes…

Setup external secret in 01Cloud for GCP

Setup external secret in 01Cloud for GCP

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Secret Manager is a secrets management service provided by Google Cloud. It allows you to securely store and manage secrets such as database credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information. In 01Cloud, the GCP Secret Manager can also be used as an external secret provider, which means that 01Cloud can fetch…