Engineering Blog


Free Webinar: Master Kubernetes Cost Optimization on AWS

Cloud-native environments offer incredible flexibility and scalability, but managing costs can be a constant battle. This free webinar, brought to you by AWS, Kubecost, and Nirmata, will equip you with the knowledge and tools to prevent cost overruns before they happen.

The Power of Proactive Cost Control

This webinar dives deep into a powerful combination: Kyverno and Kubecost, running on the robust infrastructure of AWS.

  • Kyverno: Policy as Code for Security and Compliance: Kyverno empowers you to write your own security and compliance policies using standard YAML. This “policy as code” approach prevents misconfigurations across your entire Kubernetes environment.
  • Kubecost: Real-Time Cost Visibility and Optimization: Kubecost is the go-to tool for Kubernetes cost management. Its powerful insights allow you to monitor and reduce your Kubernetes spend in real-time.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Implement real-time Kubernetes cost management strategies.
  • Proactively prevent cost overruns with Kyverno’s policy enforcement.
  • Gain deep visibility into the operations of your Kubernetes clusters.

Don’t wait! Register today and take control of your cloud-native costs.

Can’t attend live? No problem! Register anyway, and we’ll send you the recording after the event.

Reference to the Article- Nirmata

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