Engineering Blog


Stay Ahead with Kubernetes: Master Cost and Compliance with Kyverno and Kubecost

Date : May 30
Time : 9:00 – 10:00 AM PDT / 12:00 noon – 1:00 PM EDT / 4:00 – 5:00 PM GMT

In the fast-evolving world of cloud-native applications, managing Kubernetes environments efficiently and cost-effectively is crucial. Our upcoming webinar is designed to guide you through leveraging two powerful tools, Kyverno and Kubecost, running on AWS, to achieve exceptional cost visibility and control while preventing overruns before they occur.

Why This Webinar is Essential for You

Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration, but with its flexibility comes complexity, especially in managing costs and ensuring compliance. This webinar will provide you with the knowledge and tools to navigate these challenges effectively.

Discover the Power of Kyverno and Kubecost

Kyverno: Policy-as-Code for Kubernetes Kyverno is a dynamic policy engine tailored for Kubernetes, enabling you to write custom security and compliance policies using standard YAML. This allows for:

  • Policy Automation: Automatically enforce best practices and compliance requirements.
  • Prevent Misconfigurations: Ensure that your configurations adhere to your organization’s standards, minimizing the risk of errors.
  • Security Enforcement: Protect your Kubernetes environment by blocking unauthorized changes and enforcing strict security protocols.

Kubecost: Leading Cost Visibility and Optimization Tool Kubecost provides unparalleled visibility into your Kubernetes spend, allowing you to:

  • Monitor Expenses in Real-Time: Gain insights into your resource utilization and associated costs instantly.
  • Optimize Resource Usage: Identify and eliminate inefficiencies to reduce overall spend.
  • Detailed Cost Allocation: Understand costs at a granular level, from namespaces to individual pods, enabling precise cost control.

Key Benefits of Combining Kyverno and Kubecost on AWS

1. Real-Time Kubernetes Cost Management By integrating Kubecost with your Kubernetes clusters on AWS, you can monitor your expenditures in real-time. This integration allows for immediate insights into how resources are being utilized and where costs are being incurred, enabling proactive cost management.

2. Proactively Preventing Cost Overruns Kyverno’s policy-as-code capabilities allow you to set rules that prevent unauthorized or inefficient resource usage. By enforcing these policies, you can avoid common misconfigurations that lead to unexpected costs. Kyverno’s automation ensures that these policies are applied consistently, reducing the risk of human error.

3. Enhanced Visibility into Kubernetes Operations Together, Kyverno and Kubecost provide a comprehensive view of your Kubernetes environment. Kubecost offers detailed cost breakdowns and optimization recommendations, while Kyverno ensures that your configurations are secure and compliant. This dual approach provides a holistic understanding of your operations, making it easier to manage and optimize your infrastructure.

Webinar Agenda: What You Will Learn

  • Implementing Real-Time Kubernetes Cost Management: Learn how to set up and use Kubecost to gain immediate insights into your spending.
  • Proactively Preventing Cost Overruns: Discover how to write and enforce policies with Kyverno to prevent unnecessary expenses before they happen.
  • Gaining Visibility into Kubernetes Operations: Understand how to combine the insights from Kubecost and the policy enforcement from Kyverno to achieve a well-managed, cost-effective Kubernetes environment.

Drive Real-World Savings with Best-in-Class Tools

Running Kubecost and Kyverno on AWS not only enhances cost visibility and compliance but also drives significant real-world savings. These tools place financial, security, and compliance guardrails around your Kubernetes environments, ensuring that you can scale efficiently and securely.

Don’t Miss Out – Register Now!

Join us for this informative technical webinar and transform the way you manage your Kubernetes infrastructure. Learn from our experts, gain actionable insights, and start optimizing your Kubernetes spend and compliance today.

Sign up now and take the first step towards mastering cost management and policy enforcement in your Kubernetes environment.

Reference to the Article : Nirmata

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